Should You Apply For That Job?


Here’s how to decide if you should submit your resume

For more tips Like the ones below, read ZipRecruiter CEO Ian Siegel’s new book, Get a job now! You can buy it here.

We’ve all been there: You find an exciting job description at a great company. Seems like a great opportunity to apply your skills, learn new skills and advance your career. Then you see a list of “requirements” and fulfill some of them. But not all of them. So I let out a deep sigh and moved on. Well, that ends today!

Requirements are just a wish list

There is no such thing as a perfect fit when it comes to job applicants

An important rule of thumb in the job search is to never exclude oneself. In most cases, the requirements are a list of good things. Sure, it would be a hiring manager’s dream to find a perfect match who can tick every box, but that’s highly unlikely. As a general rule, you should apply if you fulfill at least 40% of this wish list.

What jobs should you apply for?

Applying for these types of roles will increase your chances

The list of requirements in the job description is just one part of the factors hiring managers consider when searching for a candidate. There are many other considerations, most of which you will never find in the actual description. If you find a job that falls into one of the categories below and meets at least 40% of the requirements, you already have a huge advantage.

Jobs that exactly match your most recent job title

The sites scan resumes for perfect matches

75% of resumes Introduction online is never read by a human being. These sites are programmed to find matches. The easiest way to make sure this happens is to have the exact address they are looking for. If you currently do the same job you’re applying to but your company has a different address for it, update your resume to reflect a more standard address to make things easier to identify on the site. Read these tips to find more ways to slip your resume into the hands of an actual recruiter.

Jobs where you know someone at the company

Companies want to hire a well-known entity

60% of jobs Found across networks. It’s a lot easier to get your foot in the door and secure a job when you know people on the inside. Many companies prioritize resumes that come from internal employees and pay bonuses if their referrals are hired. Logic makes sense. If companies trust their employees, they trust their recommendations.

Jobs where you love the company, product or service

Your passion and experience are an asset to the company

Companies succeed because they have employees who are motivated and passionate about the work they do. It is likely that the person who will hire you will be passionate about the work they do and will recognize this trait in you. Also, if you are a fan of the organization or what it does, you are already an expert with skills that will benefit the company.

Jobs closer to where you live

Commuting can be detrimental to your job prospects and your marriage

Not having to commute is The main reason Many employees like to work remotely. People hate commuting so much that the happiness associated with cutting an hour commute to and from work is equivalent to a Raised $40,000. On the other side of the spectrum are people who travel long distances more likely to divorce. Living near the office is also an advantage for the company. In fact, comp has been found to have prejudices towards people who live near the office.

Jobs that pay more than you currently do

You are likely to earn more by switching jobs than by staying where you are

It’s a fact that employees can do Earn more money by switching jobs to stay where they are. When a company is willing to pay more, it can be a sign that they are stable and a good place to commit to taking a few years out of your career. Comparing salaries is a good way to find out what you’re worth in the market. Knowing what you’re worth is easy. Take a look at ZipRecruiter’s salary page to see what the jobs pay.

Jobs in direct competitors of your current employer

It’s a risky move but it can make you very attractive to the company

We have already proven that you can make more money by switching jobs. This is very likely the case when you go over to a competitor of your current employer, because they know you’re already up to speed in their field and they know how to do the job. But think twice before taking this step as it can be very risky. In addition to potentially burning bridges with your previous employer, you may have signed a non-compete clause, which could get you into legal trouble. Be sure to review your contract before accepting a new job and not bring your previous employer’s intellectual property with you.

Jobs with good reviews for anonymous employees

Find out what the situation is really like inside the company

There are many sites where you can read up on what it’s like inside the company even before you interview. ZipRecruiter is one of them. (Check out what it’s like to work at ZipRecruiter.) These reviews give you an unfiltered perspective that you might not get from an interview. If a company has good reviews, or employees talk about an aspect of their work life that excites you, this may be the place for you. Some notes when reading reviews are that they are sometimes outdated, written by people who haven’t worked for those companies for years, and a company with many offices may only have one page, so the experience in one of their locations may not be the same. Mirror what you’ll find locally

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