You’re finally back from your long, relaxing vacation, and there’s only one word to aptly describe how you feel: blah.
Let’s face it – readjusting to real life after the fun and festivities of the holiday season can be tough. Instead of company dining, gift exchanges, and days off work, you’re faced with a full inbox, a growing to-do list, and the dreaded reminder that you’ll have to wait until Memorial Day to get another free day off work. a job.
Yes, the post-holiday recession is a little too real for all of us. Fortunately, there are some strategies and tactics you can use to get over feeling “bullshit” and start this year off on a good note.
1. Set goals and action items
Returning to the office after your vacation can seem like an uphill battle, which means that it is very important for you to set some goals as well as some work items that you will use to actually achieve those goals.
Doing so will give you a new sense of purpose and remind you of what you’re working towards—other than hopefully, eventually, you may one day process the flood of messages in your inbox.
Whether it’s a big project that you need to break down into smaller pieces and finish by the end of the month or a more personal career goal — like wanting a promotion by the end of the year — outline your ambitions and the steps you’ll take to reach them. Staying focused on the big picture will come in handy in those moments when everything seems meaningless.
2. Make a shorter to-do list
While it’s a good idea to set aside some time for some goal planning soon after you get back to the office, you definitely don’t want to overwhelm yourself with too much to-do. These goals and milestones are larger, which means they will take weeks or even months to achieve. But, when it comes to your daily to-do list? You want to keep it short.
Do your best to limit yourself to just three major things on your to-do list each day. Doing so is beneficial for several different reasons.
For starters, it saves you from feeling overwhelmed and stressed every time you look at your seemingly endless to-do list. After all, the three tasks seem manageable, right? secondly, Studies have shown Many of us make our to-do lists too long. By sticking to these three elements, you are likely to raise your productivity to a high level. And we could all use that extra boost after a long break, right?
3. Stay hydrated
Did you know that appreciates 75% of Americans Do you suffer from chronic dehydration? Even worse, this dehydration can cause extreme fatigue, dizziness, headaches, and a slew of other symptoms that you’ll probably want to avoid after your vacation (or forever, really).
You may feel like scrambling for a pot of coffee or the shortest Starbucks line when you’re trying to motivate yourself after a long break. And while there’s nothing wrong with sipping caffeine once in a while, don’t neglect to also drink some much-needed water throughout the day.
Trust me, it can make a huge difference in how you feel. And honestly, we could all use a little revitalization now.
4. Keep moving
As much as we try to keep our professional lives separate from our personal lives, we all know that the way we feel outside the office has a huge impact on how we’ll feel during the nine-to-five period. As you’ve been told time and time again, exercise can be very beneficial for making you feel better all around.
Now, don’t understand that this means you need to start training for a marathon. This could be as simple as taking a walk during your lunch break or joining an exercise class that you enjoy. Do what you can to keep your body moving and those endorphins pumping, and you’ll be out of your doldrums in no time.
5. Leave time for fun
Making the instant switch from “vacation lounging mode” to “work mode” can seem brutal at best. It feels as though your days are consumed with emails, meetings, and commitments, which means you have almost no time left for the things you actually enjoy.
But did you know? It doesn’t have to be like this. Make sure every week — or even every day — that you set aside some non-negotiable time that you can use to play instead of work. Use this time to bake, meditate, read, socialize with friends, or engage in a hobby you love. The important thing is to remember to leave yourself enough time to enjoy your life, believe me, that doesn’t happen Just Must happen during the holidays.
Do you want to take this a step further? Sit down with your calendar and pick a weekend to schedule a mini vacation trip. In those long winters when you’re not vacationing, knowing you have a little vacation scheduled to yourself can really improve your mood.
We all experience a bit of a slump at work after the holidays. However, there is nothing you can’t get rid of! Apply these five tips, and you will get rid of that emotional feeling and feel ready to welcome the new year.
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