Hpssc Post Code-530 Electrical Engg Previous Paper Solved Mcq

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Hpssc electrical enginneer post code-530

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1. The place of 84 temples is

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2. The fair of Baba Badbhag Singh is held in the district of

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3. Wazir Ram Singh belonged to the princely state

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4. Renuka is associated with

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5. The Sun Temple is at

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6. The book ‘Bilaspur Ki Kahani’ was written by

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7. Where was the capital of Maharaja Sansar Chand ?

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8. Which town is situated on the bank of the river Ravi ?

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9. “Wild Flower Hall” was the residence of

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10. ‘Pauri’ festival is held at

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11. The place ‘Tandi’ is located in which district of H.P. ?

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12. Capacitive microphone converts sound into

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13. The most suitable material for piezoelectric transducer is

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14. The resistance of an earthing electrode should be

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15. A dynamometer wattmeter can’t read _____ power.

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16. The gravity controlled instrument must be used in ______ position.

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17. Chemical effect is utilized in ______ meters

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18. The type of d.c. motor used in electric traction is

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19. Which of the following motor is used in household refrigerators ?

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20. In the process of refining of metals, the impure metal is made as

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21. Resistance welding cannot be used for

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22. Candela is the unit of

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23. Selection of motor for any applications depends upon which factors ?

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24. The direction of rotation of an ordinary shaded pole single phase induction motor

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25. In alternators damper windings are used to

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26. Pitch factor for 5/6 short pitch coil is

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27. Synchronous motors are to be used in situations where

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28. The torque power factor of an induction motor will be high when

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29. A 5 HP, 3 phase, 400 V star connected squirrel cage induction motor meant to drive a milling machine, at starting takes about

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30. A 400 V, 50 Hz three phase Induction motor rotates at 1440 rpm on full load.The motor is wound for

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31. Maximum efficiency of a transformer occurs when

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32. A 100 kVA, 1100/400 V, 50 Hz single phase transformer has 100 turns on the secondary winding. The number of turns on its primary winding will be

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33. The number of parallel paths in the armature winding of a four pole, wave connected d.c. machine having 22 coil sides is

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34. In a balanced three phase star connected system, the phase difference between phase voltage and their respective line voltages are

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35. The power factor at resonance in R-L-C series circuit is

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36. Two waves have the frequency of 600 Hz and one is set at its maximum value whereas the other at zero. The phase angle between them will be

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37. The self-induced emf in a 0.2 H coil when a current in it is changing at the rate of 100 A/sec is

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38. What will be the magnetic field of 4000 AT/m ?

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39. A 12 V Lead Acid Battery used in a car contains

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40. Norton’s equivalent is

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41. A 100 W, 250 V bulb is put in series with a 40 W, 250 V bulb across 500 V supply. The current drawn will be

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42. Which of the following gates cannot be used as an inverter ?

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43. The minimum number of pins required in an IC with two 4-input gates is

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44. For a 12 bit A/D converter the range of input signal is 0 to + 10 V. The voltage corresponding to 1LSB will be

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45. A monostable multivibrator circuit can be made using

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46. Data can be changed from special code to temporal code by using

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47. The parity of the binary number 11001110

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48. The binary equivalent of hexadecimal number A0B5 is

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49. The binary equivalent of decimal number 0.0625 is

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50. The purpose of the SYNC control in a CRO is to

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51. For generating a 1 kHz note, the most suitable circuit is

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52. The voltage gain of an amplifier is 100. On applying negative feedback with beta-0.03 , its gain will reduce to

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53. An amplifier of pass band 450 kHz to 460 kHz will be named as

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54. An amplifier circuit of voltage gain 100, gives 2 V output. The value of input voltage will be

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55. Compared to a CB amplifier, the CE amplifier has

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56. When forward bias is applied to a junction diode, it

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57. An Ideal voltage source is one which has

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58. An example of a solid state device is a

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59. Which one of the following is used as a passive component in electronic circuits ?

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60. Antonym of the word ‘Feeble’ is

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61. Synonym of the word ‘Fascinate’ is

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62. He emphasized _______ his point.

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63. Ramesh moves 5 km in East direction. Then he turns to his right and then he moves 8 km. After this he turns to his left and moves 5 km. Then he turns to his left and moves 8 km. Now how far is he from his starting point ?

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64. In a code ‘INFORM’ is denoted by ‘JMGNSL’, then ‘PLAYER’ is denoted in the same code by

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65. Finance Commission is constituted under which Article of Constitution of India ?

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66. NITI Aayog is

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67. Hydrogen bomb is based on

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68. Pain relieving drugs are known as

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69. The science which deals with the study of insects is known as

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70. Halley’s comet has a period of

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71. The Siachen Glacier is located in

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72. The largest wheat producing state of India is

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73. Forest Research Institute is located at

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74. When did the first Indian National Congress meet in Bombay ?

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75. Malik Kafur was a trusted General of

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76. ‘Banbhatta’ was the court poet of which emperor ?

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77. ‘My Story’ is an Autobiography of which cricket player ?

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78. On which date the H.P. Panchayati Raj Act, 1994 came into force ?

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79. Which among the following districts of Himachal Pradesh has lowest population density ?

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80. Himalayan Institute of Engineering and Technology is located in which district of Himachal Pradesh ?

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81. A three phase, 6-pole, 50 Hz induction motor is running at 5% slip. What is the speed of the motor ?

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82. The power factor of an induction motor operating at no load will be

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83. A 3-phase, 480 V, 60 Hz induction motor is to be operated at 50 Hz supply The most satisfactory supply voltage for the machine would be

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84. A 3-phase star-connected induction motor is connected to 400 V, 50 Hz ac supply. If the stator to rotor turn ratio is 2, the standstill rotor induced emf per phase is

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85. The efficiency of a properly designed synchronous machine is of the order of

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86. For a 3-phase, 4-pole, 50 Hz synchronous motor the frequency, pole number and the load torque are all halved. The motor speed will be

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87. A DOL starter is employed for starting motors of ratings upto

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88. A DC shunt motor is operating at no load. If the armature is shunted by a resistance, its speed will

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89. The current drawn by a 120 V dc motor of armature resistance 0.4 ohms and back emf 110 V

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90. A 4-pole generator with 16 coils has two layer lap winding. The pole pitch is

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91. A zero watt lamp consumes power of

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92. The illumination at a surface due to a source of light placed at a distance ‘d’from the surface varies as

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93. In _______ welding it is essential that the surface to be welded are clean,dust and dirt free.

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94. The body reflecting entire radiations incidenting on it is called the

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95. A 0 – 100 V voltmeter has a guaranteed accuracy of 1% at full scale reading. What will be the error if it reads 50 V ?

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96. In Boolean Algebra F = (A + B) (Ā + C), then F = ?

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97. Frequency can be measured by using

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98. A 0 – 300 V voltmeter has an error of +_ 2% of full scale deflection. What

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99. What is simplified form of the Boolean expression T = (X+ Y) (X+–Y) ( –X + Y) ?

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100. UJT is known as

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101. The advantage of using a freewheeling diode with bridge type ac/dc converter is

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102. The snubber circuit is used in thyristor circuits fo

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103. A chopper whose voltage as well as current remains negative is known as

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104. In a 3-phase full converter, the six SCR are fired at an interval of

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105. The race-around condition occurs when

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106. Which of the following flip-flop is used as a latch ?

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107. The NAND-NAND realization is equal to

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108. The decimal equivalent of the Hexadecimal number (BAD)16 is

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109. Which one of the following causes phase shift through an op-amp ?

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110. An R-C phase shift oscillator will not produce any oscillations until and unless the voltage gain of its internal amplifier is

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111. The emitter resistor Re is by-pass by a capacitor in order to

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112. Without a DC source a clipper circuit acts like a

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113. The power failure alarm must be connected to which of the following inputs of 8085 ?

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114. In 8085 microprocessor, how many interrupts are maskable ?

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115. The ripple factor of half wave, center-tap full wave and bridge type full wave rectifier are

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116. A forward voltage can be applied to an SCR after its

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117. An electric lamp of 60 W will consume 1.8 units of energy in

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118. In a center tap full wave rectifier, if Vm is the peak voltage between the center tap and one end of the secondary, the maximum voltage coming across the reverse biased diode is

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119. In a common base transistor circuit, collector current is 0.96 mA and the base current 40 uA. The value of alpha is

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120. The forward voltage _____ at which the current through the diode or PN junction starts rising abruptly, is known as knee voltage.

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121. If a sinusoidal wave has a frequency of 50 Hz with 15 A rms value, which of the following equation represents this wave ?

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122. In a 3-phase, 4 wire system, generally the area of cross-section of neutral wire

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123. The various input devices of a PLC are

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124. Which of these correctly refers to PLC and computers ?

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125. Which of the following material is not ferromagnetic ?

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126. Dielectric strength of air, nitrogen and hydrogen respectively is

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127. The material having zero temperature coefficient of resistance is

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The resistance of a copper conductor having length of 2 km and a cross section of 32 mm2
and resistivity of 18 x10–9ohm-m.

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129. The tolerance value of step voltage is given by the equation

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130. Corona loss is less when the shape of the conductors is

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In a 3-phase overhead transmission line, the sending end voltage Vs (phase)is 14456.18 V and receiving end voltage voltage regulation of the transmission lineVR
(phase) is 12702 V. The % age

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132. The air between the two oppositely charged clouds is always under electrostatic

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133. Prime mover failure of an alternator connected to a grid can be detected by using _____ relay.

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134. Which of the following is not true with respect to SF6CB ?

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135. Daily average load on the power station is given by

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Current in three line conductors of an unbalanced load is IR = (9.2 – j6.9)A,IY
= (9.035 – j21.15)A, IB
= (– 5 + j8.66)A, then neutral current is

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137. If the conductance of an electrical circuit is 0.122 mho and the susceptance is –0.0529 mho. Then impedance of the circuit is

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138. Disadvantages of low power factor in ac circuits are

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139. The RMS value of current is given by

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140. A long straight circular copper conductor carries a current of 400 A. The magnetic field strength at a distance of 10 cm from the conductor is

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141. How many cells, each having an emf of 1.5 V and internal resistance of 0.25 ohm, would be required (connected in series) to pass a current of 1.5 A through a resistance of 15 ohm ?

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If Eth = 9 V and Rth = 9 ohm, then according to Thevenin theorem, the current through the load resistance RL
= 3 ohm is

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