After weeks (OK, maybe even months) of job hunting, I finally managed to do it. I have received a job offer. You know you should break into your happy dance and celebrate the fact that your seemingly endless chase has finally come to an end. But there’s just one problem: you’re not very excited about this potential new gig.
The offer is more than fair. The company looks great. Navigation will be easy. But that doesn’t change the fact that actual duties and responsibilities don’t light a fire in you.
so, what are you doing? Should you accept the job, even if it doesn’t interest you the way you think it should? Here are five questions you should ask yourself to get some clarity on your next steps.
1. How focused are you on your career?
Your career is a huge part of your life, and there is no denying that. But there is also no doubt that some people are simply more professionally motivated than others.
It is important to take some time to figure out your attitude towards your career. Are you someone who views a job as just a job, just a way to fund all the other, more exciting parts of your life? Or are you someone who is completely dedicated to his work, and needs that piece to be perfect in order to feel good and satisfied, even outside the office?
Keep in mind that there is no right or wrong answer here. But making sure you take a minute to state your own perspective will help you decide which path is best for you.
2. How much financial freedom will this job give you?
This may not be the inspiring, thought-provoking message you were hoping for, but the point is still valid: The primary purpose of any job is to fund the rest of your life. It’s called work for a reason, after all.
So, taboo or not, an amazing salary is still a great reason to accept a job offer. If the position you’re considering comes with a big pay raise, it could be worth a lot.
Not having to worry about making ends meet — not to mention having the financial means to pursue your other interests and hobbies — can often outweigh the fact that work isn’t exactly what you dream of.
3. Will this job teach you something valuable?
Well, maybe this job isn’t your wildest fantasy. However, does that mean that it is an absolutely useless waste of time? of course not.
In fact, this could still be an incredibly beneficial opportunity for you. For example, do you need more experience or an expanded skill set so you can get offers that really excite you? Accepting this job could be your chance to do just that.
Think about what this job can teach you, and whether or not these skills are the things that can best position you for your dream job in the future. Remember that you need to walk before you can run.
4. How much flexibility will this job offer?
Similar to the first question you asked yourself, it is also important to assess whether this job would give you more time and flexibility to pursue your passion.
Perhaps the responsibilities associated with the position do not make your heart sing. However, if the job provides you with ample opportunity to explore your other interests outside of the office, it may be fulfilling for you.
Not only do you need to be a person who lives to work, you can also work to live.
5. Do you know what else you would like to do?
Of course, you knew we couldn’t finish without a reality check at least for a little while. You may have a very clear mental picture of what your dream job looks like. But is this dream really practical? Or maybe you have no idea what you’d rather spend eight hours a day doing, you just assume that’s not the case.
Yes, finding work you love is rewarding. But it’s always important to remember that there are still many practical and realistic considerations that must come into play, including finances, stability, perks, and other things you might not like to think about when daydreaming about your dream party as a professional ice cream connoisseur.
But unfortunately, sometimes your fantasy job has to remain just a fantasy.
The world would be a great place if we could all find and keep jobs that make us jump out of bed with excitement every Monday morning. However, this is not just a fact.
So, when you find yourself wondering whether or not you should accept this job—even though you’re not exactly passionate about it—remember to take some time to ask yourself these five questions. You should have some much needed clarity in no time!
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