Whether you love your boss or absolutely hate him, you know one thing for sure: you have to listen to him. He’s your boss, which means he usually has the final say on any of your projects and business decisions.
But, let’s face it – just because he’s your boss, doesn’t mean he automatically knows it Everything. There will still be times when you don’t agree with his choices or opinions. And you’ve probably already had many instances where you wanted to ignore his supposedly wise advice entirely (it may sound like you’re listening, but he actually sounds like Charlie Brown’s mentor in your head) and move on with your own ideas anyway.
However, can you act on those delusions of completely ignoring your boss’s instructions? Are there times when it is difficult for you to go against his wishes and do what you want? Or do you always need to take His Word as the final, final answer?
A word of caution
First things first, a word of caution: in the vast majority of cases, it’s in your best interest to listen to your boss. Even if you disagree with this or think things could be done in a better and more efficient way, the respectful and professional thing to do is to heed your boss’s advice and follow his orders.
No one wants to cement their reputation as an employee who refuses to listen, violates authority, and ignores instructions. So, do your best to listen to your manager, unless the orders fit any of these three circumstances.
You don’t have to listen to your boss…
1. When it is immoral or illegal
Well, if your boss tells you to light the boardroom on fire, that probably isn’t advice you should follow without a second thought. In such cases, you will need that little voice in your head to block out any request your boss makes.
When your manager asks you to do something that is illegal, immoral, or makes you feel uncomfortable, you are justified in either asking for additional details about the matter or refusing it outright.
She may want you to fire another employee on her behalf. Or he might pressure you into revealing some information that you know is confidential. Whatever the circumstances, just remember this: If your boss’s orders are giving you that queasy, butterflies-in-your-stomach, feeling of dread, it’s usually wise to trust your conscience.
2. When you don’t ask for clarification
Suppose your boss gives you instructions that you find somewhat confusing, or perhaps completely incorrect. Does this mean that you need to proceed blindly without asking a follow-up question?
of course not. Asking for additional clarification on a matter of which you are unsure does not make you less respectful. In fact, it makes you a smart and detail oriented employee. Listening is not synonymous with silent obedience.
So, don’t feel as though you need to immediately ask, “What’s the elevation?” When your boss says, “JUMP!” You were brought into this role for a reason, and that sometimes means forcing your boss to consider things from a different perspective or angle before you immediately take action on his or her various requests.
3. When you receive different instructions from your boss
Your boss tells you to complete the project in one way. But then you get an email from your boss’s boss asking you to proceed in a completely different way. What do you do? What are you listening to?
And here’s another one of those scenarios – instead of proceeding with your boss’s requests right away – you’ll need to gather some additional information and intelligence.
If you receive conflicting instructions from two people above you, schedule a sit-down appointment or send an email about the discrepancy. Point out their contradictory advice, and then ask how you should move your project forward.
If they disagree so starkly about how the matter should be handled, that’s something they both have to work out. But at least you did your part by opening up the conversation, without making the mistake of taking the wrong approach further.
In most cases, it is in your best interest to listen to your boss and follow his instructions. However, there are some cases where you need to turn the tide and ignore what your boss says.
If you find yourself in one of the three scenarios above, you have some ground to stand on when it comes to ignoring your manager’s instructions. But, when else? Do yourself a favor and listen to your boss’s advice. Trust me, this is usually easier in the long run.
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